








👋 Hiya, I'm Kim

 I'm a passionate, New York-based UX Designer with a diverse background and a relentless curiosity for crafting exceptional digital experiences. Throughout my career journey, I've delved into various facets of business strategy, e-commerce operations, digital marketing, and analytics, which have equipped me with a multifaceted perspective on user-centric design.

My approach to UX design is deeply rooted in understanding user behavior and needs. From conducting in-depth user research and testing to crafting intuitive prototypes and mapping customer journeys, I thrive on unraveling the intricacies of human interaction with digital interfaces.

With a startup mindset and a commitment to agile methodologies, I embrace every challenge as an opportunity to innovate and iterate, constantly refining my craft and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. My ultimate goal? To bridge the gap between user aspirations and e-commerce business objectives, creating experiences that not only delight users but also drive tangible results for businesses.

Beyond the realm of design, you'll often find me immersing myself in various pursuits that fuel my creativity and broaden my horizons. Whether I'm exploring the halls of museums, diving into captivating narratives through literature, savoring diverse cuisines, or embarking on adventures around the globe, each experience enriches my perspective and informs my approach to design.

I believe that great design is not just about pixels and interfaces—it's about storytelling, empathy, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Let's collaborate and bring your digital vision to life!

🛒 🛍️ 💻

Scroll below for a few projects I've worked on:

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Let's connect sometime.

Thanks for stopping by!
Let's connect sometime.

Thanks for stopping by!
Let's connect sometime.

Explore the world of digital design through Kim‘s meticulously crafted case studies. Witness the process behind creating exceptional UX that drives results.

© Kim Paredes Designs, 2023.